

strawberry pistachio sweet rolls

strawberry pistachio sweet rolls

Nothing makes us quite as happy as freshly baked cinnamon rolls. Switch up the plain frosting for some strawberries and pistachios and you'll never eat a classic cinnamon roll again!

The  strawberry whipped cream is optional but absolutely delicious! You can always sub this out for regular whipped cream or just some left over strawberry juice from the jam.
Bread Mix Breakfast Dessert Recipes Sweet
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french toast

french toast

We hear "the real thing," a lot in keto recipes, but this french toast is the REAL DEAL. So much so that the old stuff won't even compare. 

@foodie_nbooty got this one right with the spongy texture, slight tanginess of sourdough, softness, and flavor. All the boxes are checked!
Bread Mix Breakfast Recipes Sweet
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